Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Welsh Open Victory

Happy days! The Lost Kriel took first place in the Welsh Open as well as earning the prize for most VPs destroyed throughout the whole tournament.

Grissel let me down (though mostly with bad dice rolling) in the first match, but I switched to and stuck with my Borka list for the remaining five games and clawed my way back into 1st place after the 5th game with the final round of games to go.

Much celebrations to be had, but I do not have time to sit on my laurels as the UK Masters is just one month away and I have to try to paint as much of my Borka list for it as I can. Even though the Masters does not require fully painted armies, the European Team Challenge at the beginning of July does (and my Borka list does have a looooot of Trollbloods in it).

Grissel let me down, so perhaps it is time to reconsider my backup list for the tournament...eMadrak is sitting on my table right now screaming "use meeeeeeee"...

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