Thursday, 25 March 2010

Welsh Open - 6 weeks to go

OK cool so the big tournament is just six short weeks away and I find myself still no closer to deciding on my second list with my Borka force currently looking like the main choice I will take to the table. What can a second army bring that my Borka list does not?

After much deliberation I think I finally have it, a number of spoilers and hordes updates (eMorg I'm looking at you) has seen a significant increase in the number of models in the game that either ignore Tough themselves, or grant the ability to do so to models around them. An army of warbeasts just isn't feasible or possible at the moment, so the alternative is an army made up of warbeasts and multi wound troopers.

I don't currently own two units of champions, so that means one unit of champs and one unit of long riders to form the bulk of the army, plus Horthol to make the long riders awesome. The army needs to be fast, so I choose Grissel to lead it and give her a Mauler for the damage buff and Mulg to help provide raw beatstickery (plus an ideal target for Hallowed Avenger due to reach). Add in the KSB and Chronicler to really push up the survivability of the army and some Swamp Gobbers to help shield line of sight to Grissel and it looks like a decent army.

Fast, tough, hard hitting and nothing in the army that attacks (except the Mauler) has a MAT below 7. This army should be able to frustrate the enemy when it comes to objectives and can provide a pretty significant spellcasting and order deadzone on the feat turn ensuring my boys get the charge.

On another note, Trollblood Runebearer and Dire Troll Bomber look awesome! And initial info appears to put them down as a June release so theres an outside chance that they will be available at the UK Games Expo in June in time for the UK masters. At the very least the Bomber will provide me with another possible AoE source, and hopefully one with RNG10. Makes ranged warbeast lists look more and more possible for us, especially one with AoE saturation with bombers, pyre trolls and runeshapers. Especially if the Bomber's animus (like I hope) will provide Explosivo to a friendly faction model.

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