Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Lost Kriel Returns

OK it's been a while since my last post on here, mostly due to letting the carnage of the transition from MkI to MkII settle. A few "starter" tournaments later (once with my Trollbloods and once with my Cygnar) and I feel ready to resume the blog.

The biggest tournament I have yet to attend is in May, the Welsh Open is a 2 day 50pt tournament event with six games and should be a great tournament. The 35pt tournament I went to last week was good and I took my Cygnar with me because I swore off using my Trollbloods until their rules are finalised. My Cygnar has always been a side faction for me, I have always been more of an in your face melee kind of player and as a faction they play far more to a shooting heavy setup than a melee one. I invested in Kraye and a few new heavy warjacks, which admittedly is a very fun and unique playstyle, but I missed the kind of melee zerg that only Trollbloods can bring.

Fast forward a few days later and planning ahead to the 50pt tournament I can only see myself bringing the Trollbloods to the table. As a faction they have always been my favourite, and updated MkII cards or not this time they will be there. The only real question for me is which warlocks do I bring?

Currently a very firm choice for me, Borka has always been one of my favourite warlocks and he finally has a rule set that makes him a tournament worthy option. I do love my warbeasts however, and I see Borka as a single heavy warbeast type of warlock with a LOT of infantry to back him up.

Feels like she got the short end of the stick in the Jan29 update with nerfs to both Soothing Song and Befuddle. Still a decent warlock but can't run the beast heavy lists that I used her for in MkI (950 points with Mauler, EBDT, Slag, Winter, Pyre and Axer) so is not likely to make one of my two lists for the tournament.

Born to run infantry lists, while her new Hallowed Avenger spell gives her a little bit more love for warbeasts. Has great synergy with a lot of our solo's and units, and her army becomes terrifyingly fast on her feat turn. A great choice if playing for scenarios.

Terrifying feat, and wouldn't be too difficult to build from the 35pt list I used previously (Fenns, Mauler, EBDT, Mulg, KSB+SSE and Gobbers) to great effect. Has a great spell selection and gained snap fire in the Jan29 update.

Great choice for Killbox, especially if you have the Slag and Pyre Troll in your lists to neutralise Legion, Menoth and a large amount of Cryx shooting. Combined with Grim Salvation and a large amount of infantry, I can feel confident that he could deliver his army and warbeasts where they need to be and then unleash his feat to devastating effect.